Thursday, November 13, 2008

Welcome Back My Friends To The Show That Never Ends!

Hey there. Welcome to my new home. Come on in and make yourself comfortable. Coasters are next to the TV and the drinks are in the fridge. As you know, or may not know, my old home has closed up shop. I think it had something to do with the government bailout of AIG, but I'm not certain. Regardless this is my new home. I hope that you'll stop by often, kick the tires and let me know what you think. This is where I'll come to vent my spleen, share my thoughts and ask for your opinion. You may not always agree with what I have to say, and I hope that will start some dialogue between us. There's always a place to leave your comments, and it's all at no cost to you. I welcome your complaints, comments and encouragement.

Here's a little something that I got in the email yesterday. Usually I just delete these things and don't forward them on to everyone on my email list. This time I thought I'd post it here. No real reason, just to take up some space and save me from having to think about things to write about. Of course, I do have to think of my one word answers, but such is life.

1. Where is your cell phone? Charging

2. Your significant other? Holly!

3. Your hair? Oily

4. Your mother? Mary

5. Your father? Lanny

6. Your favorite thing? Family

7. your dream last night? Probably

8 . Your favorite drink? DietDew

9. Your dream/goal? retire

10. What Room are you in? Livchen

11. Your hobby? breathing

12. Your fear? dunno

13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? alive

14. Where were you last night? home

15. Something that you aren't? patient

16. Muffins? blueberry

17. Wish list item? wealth

18. Where you grew up? Webberville

19. Last thing you did? scratched

20. What are you wearing? Clothes

21. Your TV? HUGE

22. Your pets? fish

23. Friends? Lots

24. Your life? Awesome

25. Your mood? tired

26. Missing someone? yep

27. Your car? Aztek

28. Something you're not wearing? smock

29. Your favorite store? Target

30. Your favorite color? Green

31. When is the last time you laughed? today

32. Last time you cried? 10/13/06

33. Who will resend this? dunno

34. One place that I go to over and over: work

35. One person who emails me regularly: Laura

36. My favorite place to eat: Mexican

37. One place I would like to go right now: Kauaii

38. One person I think will respond: dunno

39. One TV show I watch all the time: Office

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