Thursday, March 31, 2011

Autograph of the Day - 03/31/2011 - Hats!

Hi friends. I was looking at some things on the collection this morning and decided that I should feature my two autographed hats and tell you a little bit about each. First, here are the hats -

The white hat, on the left, is autographed by MSU Basketball Coach Tom Izzo. I purchased the hat and took it with me to the 2001 Midnight Madness at Breslin Center and got in the right line and was able to get Coach Izzo to autograph it.

The green hat is a St. Patricks Day Red Wings hat that I was wearing when I took Benjamin to an open Grand Rapids Griffins practice. After practice was over, we were standing out in the lobby when Chris Chellios came walking out. I was quick to ask him to sign my hat, as well as Benjamin's Red Wings jersey. Mr. Chellios was very accommodating to our requests, signing them and a few things for other people before he headed out the door.

These are two great items that I am proud and pleased to have in my collection.

Take care and enjoy Opening Day! Tigers at Yankees are getting ready for first pitch.

Go Tigers!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Autograph of the Day 3/30/2011

Hey! Welcome back. I got a new autographed item that I wanted to share with you today. I found a couple of Red Wings tickets from a playoff game that I went to a couple years ago. For some reason, I decided to send them to Brian Rafalski at the JLA and see if he would sign them, since he was featured on the face of the tickets. Well guess what? The signed tickets came back to me today! They are going to be a great addition to my collection.

For the record, I also sent a pair of tickets to Jimmy Howard, but have not gotten those back yet. I'm hoping that with his downtime this week he will be able to catch up on that type of stuff.

By the way, if you ever decide to do this with any of your game tickets, be sure to send a self addressed stamped envelope along with your autograph request!!

Go Red Wings!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

I Freaking Hate The USPS

I don't know how to be any more honest about it, but I truly hate the United States Postal Service. On March 11, 2011 I mailed two packages (thick padded envelopes) from the Caledonia Post Office. One arrived safely and the other has vanished. Here are the details, which I'm hoping will blow your mind as much as they do mine.

Package A - The one that arrived safely:
Detailed Results:

Delivered, March 14, 2011, 3:02 pm, CLINTON TOWNSHIP, MI 48035
Out for Delivery, March 14, 2011, 9:52 am, MOUNT CLEMENS, MI 48046
Sorting Complete, March 14, 2011, 9:42 am, MOUNT CLEMENS, MI 48046
Arrival at Post Office, March 14, 2011, 7:09 am, MOUNT CLEMENS, MI 48046
Processed through Sort Facility, March 12, 2011, 1:13 pm, ALLEN PARK, MI 48101
Processed through Sort Facility, March 11, 2011, 9:58 pm, GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49512
Acceptance, March 11, 2011, 1:12 pm, CALEDONIA, MI 49316

Package B - The that is lost:
Detailed Results:

Acceptance, March 11, 2011, 1:12 pm, CALEDONIA, MI 49316

You have to start at the bottom of the details to see all the steps they go through, but I would like to point out the second step (which I have bolded for you) on the one that was delivered safe. Processed through Sort Facility, March 12, 2011, 9:58 pm, GRAND RAPIDS, MI.

Now, notice the second step on the lost package. Right, there is no second step. It did not even make it to the Sort Facility in GRAND RAPIDS, MI. This package was lost somewhere in the Caledonia Post Office or on the way to the Sort Facility in Grand Rapids. A DISTANCE OF 20.8 MILES...

I talked to the Post Master at the Caledonia Post Office this afternoon and she told me I'm pretty much out of luck because I didn't insure the package. Had I known it was going to get lost in the span of 20.8 miles...

And our postage rates keep going up and up.

How the Hell does mail get lost?